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Контроль читання 1 семестр 4 кл
[ Викачати з сервера (13.3 Kb) ] 13.10.2015, 21:01

Прізвище ____________________      4 кл.

Імя _________________________ 

Контроль читання                     І сем.

  1. Розподіли слова в стовпчики відповідно до правил читання.

Think, trousers, shirt, clean, about, third, bookshelf, bird, arm-chair, thank you, speak, shoes

[з:]      [i]     [eэ]     [au]     [   ]      [   ]

  1. Знайди другу частину речення до першої.
  1. I want to                                                 a) to work in an                                                 -                                                                       office.
  2. My friend doesn’t want                       b) in England.
  3. Your house and your garden              c) like?
  4. What’s your suit                                   d) very nice.
  5. Your shoes are                                      e) are very beautiful.
  6. My friend’s aunt lives                          f) help you.


  1. Прочитай текст і дай відповіді на запитання.

You can see two girls in the picture. They are sisters. They are in the fourth form. The girls are not in the classroom. They don’t go to school today because it is Sunday. They are in the park. They are on the long bench under the tree. They like to sit on the bench in the park and to read there. Their dog is with them. It is on the bench, too. It is white and young. Its name is Jack. Jack wants to play. But the girls don’t want to play with him. Their clothes are clean and pressed. They have beautiful dresses on. They are very nice.


  1. Whom can you see in the picture?
  2. Are they schoolgirls?
  3. Are they in the yard or in the park?
  4. Why are they not at school?
  5. Who is on the bench with them?
  6. Why don’t they want to play?


  1. Прочитай речення і постав +, якщо вони відповідають змістові тексту.
  1. You can see two sisters in the picture.
  2. The girls in the picture play with their dog.
  3. They are not at school.
  4. Their brother’s name is Jack.
  5. Jack is four years old.
  6. They are on the long bench under the tree.
  7. Their dog is with them on the bench.
  8. Jack is a very nice brown dog.
  9. They have white dresses on. 
Категорія: 4 клас | Додав: Valery
Переглядів: 749 | Завантажень: 5
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