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Контроль аудіювання 5 кл 2 сем
[ Викачати з сервера (14.3 Kb) ] 13.10.2015, 21:54

Listening Test    5 form     II semester

 Task 1

Read and match.

1. Once upon a time...                              a) the cake.

2. One day the cats were...                      b) piece of cake. 

3. The monkey took a bite off a big...     c) got nothing.

4. The monkey took many...                    d) bites off each piece.

5. So the two cats...                                  e) there lived two cats.

6. The monkey ate all...                            f) very hungry.


Task 2

Correct the sentences according to the text. Underline

 the wrong words and write the correct ones.

1. Once upon a time there lived two dogs.

 2. One day the cats were very happy.

3. Suddenly they found a big piece of bread.

4. Then the cats ate the cake.

 5. At last the two cats decided to ask the fox to help them.

6. So the two cats got everything, and the monkey ate all

 the cake.

Task 3

 Read and circle.

1. One day the cats were very __ .

a) happy;      b) hungry;      c) sleepy.

 2. They broke the piece of cake into __ pieces.

a) two;      b) three;      c) four.

3. The two cats sat and looked at the __ which was eating their cake.

 a) wolf;      b) lion;      c) monkey.

4. The pieces of cake grew __ and __ .

a) bigger;      b) colder;      c) smaller.

5. The cats ate __ that day.

 a) nothing;      b) something;      c) everything.

6. The monkey was very __ .

 a) funny;      b) clever;      c) stupid.


Task 4

Answer the questions.

 1. Where did the cats live?

2. What did they find one day?

 3. What did the cats do with it?

 4. Where did they go for the help?

5. Was the monkey clever?

 6. Why do you think so?


Text for Listening   5 form   II semester

 The Cats and the Monkey

 Once upon a time there lived two cats. They lived in a little house in the wood. There lived a monkey in that wood, too. He was a clever one.

One day the cats were very hungry. For a long time they walked in the wood. Suddenly they found a big piece of cake. They were very glad. Now they could eat the cake. So they took the piece of cake and broke it into two pieces. Each cat took one piece.

 One cat said that the other piece of cake was too big. But the other cat cried that her piece of cake was too small.

They said this to each other many times. At last the two cats decided to ask the monkey to help them. So they went to the monkey.

 The monkey looked at two pieces of cake. Then he took one piece of cake in one hand and the other piece in his other hand and looked at them again.

At last he said that one piece of cake was too big. So he took a bite off that piece of cake. He looked at it again and then he looked at the other piece. Now the other piece of cake was too big. So he took a bite off it.

The two cats sat and looked at him with hungry eyes.

The monkey took many bites off each piece, but one piece was always bigger than the other piece.

The pieces of cake grew smaller and smaller. At last there were only two very small pieces of cake in the monkey’s hands. But he decided that the two small pieces were for him because he helped the cats. And he put them into his mouth. So the two cats got nothing, and the monkey ate all the cake.



Listening Test

Task 1

1 e;    2 f;    3 b;    4 d;    5 c;    6 a.

Task 2

1 dogs— cats;                                   2 happy— hungry;

3 bread— cake;                                4 ate— didn’t eat;

 5 fox — monkey;                             6 everything — nothing.


Task 3

 1 b;    2 a;    3 c;    4 c;    5 a;    6 b.


Категорія: 5 клас | Додав: Valery
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