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Головна » Файли » Контрольні роботи » 8 клас

Контроль аудіювання 8 кл 1 сем
[ Викачати з сервера (22.5 Kb) ] 03.12.2017, 15:45

Listening              I semester                 8 form 

Variant 1

1. Listen to the text. Choose the correct answer: a, b, c or d.

1) Mike goes to school … .

a) by car      b) by train      c) by bus      d) by taxi

2) … we leave our Tutor Room to go to the Assembly Hall.

a) At about 9:00    b) At about 9:50     c) At about 8:00     d) At about 8:50

3) We can put money … .

a) on our swipe cards    b) into our purses    c) in a bank    d) in our lockers

4) When the children enter the Assembly Hall, they … .

a) listen to a teacher   b) play games   c) learn poems  d) listen quietly to the music playing

5) Each of the lessons lasts … .

a) an hour and a half   b) an hour   c) 45 minutes   d) 40 minutes

6) The snack is usually … .

a) sandwiches, fruit, a drink and a packet of crisps

b) sandwiches, fruit, a candy and a packet of crisps

c) a packet of crisps and apples

d) a packet of crisps, fruit or a couple of biscuits

2. Listen to the text. Mark the following statements «True» (T) or «False» (F).


1) The boy gets up early to get to school.

2) Every morning and afternoon the teacher records the attendance in a special registration book.

3) The pupils listen to school news in the Assembly Hall.

4) Every teacher swipes his card into every lesson.

5) At school assemblies the children listen to music.

6) Each week has the same musical theme.

3. Complete the sentences with the information from the text.

1) I leave home at __________________________.

2) The journey takes an _________________________.

3) I go to my Tutor Room for registration at _______________________.

4) We leave our Tutor Room to go the _________________________ Hall.

4. Give short answers to the following questions.

1) How long does it take to walk to catch a bus to school?

2) Who writes down in the special book?

3) What does our teacher take when we do our morning work?

4) What does the teacher read out in turn?


Listening             II semester                  8 form  

                                  Variant 2

1. Listen to the text. Choose the correct answer: a, b, c or d.

1) The boy leaves home … .

a) at 7:45    c) at 8:45     b) at 6:45     d) at 6:00

2) … has to keep stopping to pick up other students along the way.

a) The boy     c) The teacher    b) The car     d) The bus

3) The attendance of every child is recorded in a special book … .

a) each morning and afternoon             c) each morning

b) each afternoon                                 d) once a week

4) Normally the first lesson is … .

a) Maths       b) History       c) English           d) Computers

5) I have a locker where I can store … .

a) my dinner     b) some of my stuff      c) my books

d) my swipe card

6) Every student carries a … .

a) swipe card       b) bag     c) sandwich        d) Tablet PC

2. Listen to the text. Mark the following statements «True» (T) or «False» (F).


1) The boy gets up early and walks to school.

2) Every morning the teachers record the attendance in a special book.

3) Each pupil swipes his card before the lessons.

4) There is usually one student in the Assembly Hall.

5) In the Assembly Hall the pupils listen to school news.

6) A snack is usually a packet of crisps, fruit or a couple of biscuits.

3. Complete the sentences with the information from the text.

1) Each lesson lasts an_____________________________________ .

2) We have our morning break from  _________________ to 10:35 a.m.

3) Lunch time is from______________________________ to 1:10 p.m.

4) Afternoon lessons continue until_____________ p.m. when we go home.

4. Give short answers to the following questions.

1) How long does the journey on the bus take?

2) Where do I collect my Tablet PC from?

3) Where do we go after leaving our Tutor Room?

4) What are the children asked to listen out for? 



        School Life for a British Schoolboy

     I leave home at 6:45 and walk 20 minutes to catch

a bus to school. The journey takes an hour because

the bus has to keep stopping to pick up other students

along the way. On arriving I collect my Tablet PC

from the Learning Centre and go to my Tutor Room

for registration at 8:30.

     We do our early morning work while our

class teacher takes the attendance register. The

attendance of every child is recorded in a special

registration book each morning and afternoon. The

teacher reads out each child’s name in turn, a child

replies and the teacher writes down in the book

whether the child is in school or not.

     At about 8:50 we leave our Tutor Room to go to

the Assembly Hall. In the hall we listen quietly to the

music playing. Each week has a different musical

theme and the children are asked to listen out for

particular things.

     Every day I have a different first lesson. Normally

it is English but I also have Maths, Computers,

Drama and Music, and French on other days. Each

lesson lasts an hour. All my lessons are in different

rooms and places around the school. I have different

teachers for each lesson. I have a locker1 where I can

store some of my stuff, otherwise I have to carry it

all around with me.

     Every student carries a swipe card2. We swipe3

into every lesson to let the school know that we have

attended that certain lesson and to know where we

are when something happens. We can put money on

our swipe cards instead of carrying cash around.

     We have our morning break from 10:20 to

10:35 a.m. The children can bring a snack from

home to eat in the playgrounds. It is usually a packet

of crisps, fruit or a couple of biscuits. We play

games on either of our two playgrounds, adventure

playground or in the large playing field.

     Lunch time is from noon to 1:10 p.m. Some

children will have a school dinner cooked in

our school kitchen. In the afternoon the lessons

resume4 with reading activities. The rest of the

afternoon is spent learning one or two of our other

school subjects. Afternoon lessons continue until

3:15 p.m. when we go home.

Категорія: 8 клас | Додав: Valery
Переглядів: 2123 | Завантажень: 29
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