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Контроль письма 9 кл 1 сем
[ Викачати з сервера (13.2 Kb) ] 03.12.2017, 15:30

9 form Writing test  1 Semester

Level 1

1. What is water pollution?

2. What is air pollution?

3. What is deforestation?

4. What is animal extinction?

5. What is global warming?

6. What is land pollution?

7. What is a carnivore?

8. What is community?

9. What is ecology?

10. What is energy?

11. What is habitat?

12. What is species?

13. What is population?

14. What is renewable energy?

Level 2

1. What do plants get the energy from to make food?

A) Photosynthesis          b) the sun           c )  animals   

2. What are the 3 main sources of energy in the environment?

a) Water, electricity, wind        b) water, the sun, wind          c) the sun, water, electricity   

3. Non-living parts of the Environment are called … . 

a) Rocks                b) Cells                  c)Energy             d) Water

4. What is the study of Ecology?

a) Thing that makes up their surroundings

b) The study of the Earth

c) Relationships and other interactions with other organisms

5. Which of the following cannot be recycled?

a) Nitrogen          b) carbon          c) water            d) energy

Level 3 

1. The type of harmful rains which destroys vegetation and wildlife, buildings and humanities.

2. Colourless odourless poisonous polluting gas is typically emitted by engines, cars?

3. Carbon dioxide, methane, industrial gases emissions lead to it.

4. Only three of these waste products are safe and helpful to compost: dairy products, egg shells, sawdust 9 (тирса), lard, fish bones, tea-bags, pet-waste.

Категорія: 9 клас | Додав: Valery
Переглядів: 324 | Завантажень: 7
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